Apr 10, 2023
Look into my Eyes.....
I have been fascinated by people all my life. I’ve never been someone who takes people at face value. I’m interested in the why. Why did...

Dec 27, 2022
Creative Comfort
I created Being Ewe just before the first lockdown. I created it to try and share and help others to explore their creativity, free their...

Jul 19, 2022
A View through a Window!
Oh what fun these little stitching projects have been! As part of the Textile.artist.org stitch club, we were tasked by Saima Kaur to...

Jul 6, 2022
In the south of South Africa, not far from Cape Town, is a town called Franschhoek. In Franschoek there is a memorial to the Huguenot...

Feb 10, 2022
Imagine a Whole Weekend of Crafty Goodness!
I have now planned my creative retreats for 2022. There are 6 retreats, and three different types of craftiness. I can't wait! I'm so...

Jan 18, 2022
I'd Like to Teach the World to Stitch
Vietnam, 2014 Until last year, I was lucky enough to have a full time job that allowed me to travel. I've been to some amazing places and...

Dec 29, 2021
Patience and Perfection
I am a very big fan of the idea that we can all be creative - creativity is a means of expression. Perhaps creativity is more important...

Oct 27, 2021
Creatively Meaningful
Last week I undertook one of the archive classes from textile.org’s Stitch Club. I used a variety of media to create a mixed media piece....

Aug 24, 2021
Creative and Happy
In the last couple of weeks I’ve finally had time to put my ‘old’ life behind me (spreadsheets!) and start planning for the future. This...

May 19, 2021
Being Ewe Goes Large!
The last year has been momentous for many, many people, in both good and bad ways. It's hard to believe that the pandemic has only been...

Aug 22, 2020
Kantha Stitching
My first foray into the wider world of stitching was a Kantha stitch kit by Angela Daymond.....

Aug 19, 2020
The Bearded One
I have, very recently, completed a stitched portrait of my husband. It's been a long labour of love. I started it a few months ago, but...

Aug 2, 2020
Brain Resting
Nature “employs the mind without fatigue, yet exercises it.” (Frederick Law Olmsted in 1865) I’ve recently started reading a book called...

Jun 24, 2020
Art Brings Healing
"Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars and attics, and brings healing" -- Julia Cameron, 'The Artist's Way'. I've recently been...

May 30, 2020
Is It In the Genes?
It started when my brother sent my family a painting that he had done. I didn’t know he had it in him. I can’t remember him ever showing...

May 17, 2020
What Is Normal?
My husband, David, and I went on a walk today. We drove there, walked for 1.5 hours, had a pub drink, then drove home. The sun was...

Apr 25, 2020
Lazy Warm Spring Days?
I write this during the COVID-19 lock down, where my husband and I are lucky enough to be bedded down in a comfortable house, with a...

Mar 29, 2020
Adventures from Home
Who doesn't like a good holiday? Your holiday of choice might be a people-filled sunshine extravaganza, or a chance to put your walking...

Mar 26, 2020
We're All Different - Equal but the Same
I have recently been reading 'The Courage to Be Disliked' by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, which has made me think.... Since taking...

Mar 1, 2020
3d Cat Portrait Felting
Last weekend I went on a workshop to make a 3D cat face portrait. This was with The Lady Moth in Cambridge https://www.facebook.com/thela...

Feb 16, 2020
A Colourful Yarn
A few weeks ago I went on a yarn dyeing workshop with https://www.undertheolivetreeknits.com/ at http://www.knittingneedlelane.co.uk/ I...

Feb 2, 2020
Inner Strength
(Elephant in satin stitch - my own work) I remember, once upon a time in my 'youth', being upset about something someone had said about...

Jan 19, 2020
Stitch Meditations
I recently came across Liz Kettle and her Stitch Meditations https://www.textileevolution.com/index.php/easyblog/entry/stitch-meditations...

Jan 12, 2020
Imperfections In the Moment
I have, in the past few months, made a bit of jewellery. It started with a silver workshop with a couple of friends - proper...

Jan 11, 2020
Creatively Friendly
I love being by myself, being creative in whatever medium takes my fancy at the time. I can switch off from other people, from the...

Dec 30, 2019
Cretan Inspiration
I started embroidering by following pictures that I saw on Pinterest and other sites, but it developed into a desire to create my own design