A few weeks ago I went on a yarn dyeing workshop with https://www.undertheolivetreeknits.com/ at http://www.knittingneedlelane.co.uk/
I loved it.
I came away with a few skeins of brightly coloured yarn with different tinges of pink (my choice!)

The yarns have been sitting looking at me since that day, as I try and think of what I want to do with them. I've been itching to get my hands on a project that utilises the colours.
However, I'm not really a knitter, and haven't crocheted for ages, as I concentrate on embroidery and felting.

I've thought about using it in a weaving project, as I have a few in mind for the lap loom I've recently acquired, but I need to practice on that first.
I was busy embroidering away when I had a lightbulb moment - why don't I try and embroider with it?

My first attempt had to be a picture of a sheep (of course!). I'm not aware of many naturally pink sheep, but perhaps this one has her favourite frock on and is going to a party? She certainly seems happy! Either that, or she's going to try and save the flowers from what looks like a fluffy oncoming tornado.
As well the pink, I raided my yarn stash for any other colour combinations that caught my eye. The piece has a feel of a stitch meditation about it (see a previous blog), where I chose the colours and then decided what to do with it.
While the piece isn't technically difficult, I like the result - there's a sense of storm about the sky and clouds - either on its way in or on its way out. The grass gives the impression of long stalks waving in the stormy wind.
Contrast this with the jaunty pink sheep, and the piece has some character.