Last week I undertook one of the archive classes from textile.org’s Stitch Club. I used a variety of media to create a mixed media piece.
It was a fun afternoon, although I’m not sure if I actually like my finished piece.
What I did like was sourcing the bits and pieces to go into my creation – finding little bits of ribbon and yarn, and cutting flowers out of lace.
Each element of my creation has a history and a story.
The calico backing reminds me of all the wonderful workshop attendees I’ve been privileged to meet, where calico is my go to fabric for events The scraps of fabric remind me of my Mum, who’s craft stash merged with mine when she moved in with us The cotton threads remind me of my friend Amanda who gifted a very large number of them to me when I was first starting my collection. The lace cut-outs remind my of my friend Maxine’s Mum, who gave them to me, and who loves to hear about whatever creative endeavours they’re used for (I hope she didn’t mind that I cut them up for this project!)
Being creative, stitching, felting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting – whatever your chosen brand of creativity – is so much more than the act itself.
When we create we hold close to us all those people who are enmeshed within the materials.
We cherish all the stories and love and laughter and tears that they bring with them.
When we look at the completed piece, we see so much more than the bits of materials. It means something.
So, when you create something, don’t be tempted, like I was, to dismiss your pieces if they’re not perfect.
Cherish them. Love them. Know them for what they are. They’re a part of you.
