I have, very recently, completed a stitched portrait of my husband. It's been a long labour of love. I started it a few months ago, but have only just finished it as I was constantly interrupted by other little projects and events which were quicker and easier to do.
A bit like writing essays, it always took me a little while to get back into stitching this - as I had to think and place every single stitch. It's not perfect, and I can easily point out many little things I'd like to change. I would do the beard a little differently, and I'm not sure about the single, unfilled lines of the t-shirt.
However, I'm quite proud of it.
It's not easy for me to say I'm proud of something, especially if I'm aware of its flaws.
However, it's a bit like people in general - we're all flawed.
My husband has his flaws (he won't notice this sentence, I'm sure!) but I'm still very proud of him, especially over the last few months during the virus-era.
With every single little stitch that this portrait took, over the many hours, I thought about my husband, and how he makes me very happy. What I notice most about the portrait is his kind, smiley eyes which represents the kindnesses he shows me every day and his sense of humour - even though he often laughs at his own jokes :-)
And the beard of course. The lockdown beard that started having a personality of its own.
In the end it was beard vs hubby, and hubby won.
Although I have recently noticed Beard II starting to make an appearance... Watch out!

Wow that's fantastic the structure of the face is great and the colours well done Bernie