The last year has been momentous for many, many people, in both good and bad ways.
It's hard to believe that the pandemic has only been with us for just over a year. It seems like so much longer.
For me, the year has been even more momentous as I've pretty much completely changed my life. My husband and I have achieved what we wanted to achieve (well, Phase 1 anyway!) - although we've got here so much faster than originally planned.
Being Ewe was set up as a result of an epiphany I had, once - that I needed more time to be creative, as it made me so much happier. The difference between long and stressful working days and days with time to be creative, in whatever form, was significant - so significant that I wanted to bring creativity - and its wellbeing effects - to others.

We've achieved Phase 1 of our longer term goal - we have moved to somewhere gorgeous and remote (ish) - the North Pennines AONB - and set up our retreat. We're so excited to offer you a personal, bespoke retreat - welcoming and friendly - for a bit of YOU time. www.hilltophaven.co.uk
We have thought carefully about what we would like in a retreat - we decided we would like friendly, affordable and accessible - Hill Top Haven is somewhere you can come to relax without hoardes of perfect-looking people talking about aligning their inner consciousness with the world's stardust. We're a down-to-earth haven for anyone who would like to rest, relax and explore: explore the beautiful local area, or explore yourselves.

In the last year I have qualified as a (Life*) Coach with Animas, and as a Mindfulness Teacher with Mindfulness Now. Again, I have loved every minute of these qualifications, the hours and hours of practice, and the actual teaching and coaching. I feel like I've found my home and my purpose in life.
These qualifications have also been part of the plan to promote wellbeing - and help others in a way that I would have liked throughout my life: science-based psychology and neuroscience-tested theories to help me understand myself better, and become the best ME I could be. I've set up Being You - to encourage you in your wellbeing and self-discovery journey. www.being-you.co.uk
Come and visit us at Hill Top Haven, meet a friendly face, and let me guide you through some of the challenges you're facing.
Or, come as a B&B guest and just spend some quality time in nature and the local area.
Either way, I would love for you to leave feeling like you can just BREATHE!!

Because I've spent so much time in the past few months moving to a new county, to an off-grid house (the retreat) and setting up Hill Top Haven and Being You, I haven't spent much time on Being Ewe - I'm sorry about that. Now that everything is settling down, I'm so very much looking forward to building Being Ewe. I have so many ideas - from new workshops and courses to more videos and advice. I am going to start the 'Stitches from around the World' in earnest, and am going to have kits that you can purchase - separate from the course. I'm hoping to do more video demonstrations and maybe even a podcast or two, meeting other artists and crafters.
If you have any ideas of what you'd like to see on here, please do let me know at admin@beingewe.co.uk.
I want Being Ewe to be as useful and informative - and fun! - as possible.
A great big THANK YOU to all of you who have supported Being Ewe's journey so far :-)
Thank you for reading!
* I call myself a Coach rather than Life Coach - as 'Life Coach' has so many connotations - I always used to imagine a hippy-style 'guru' telling you how to live your life. Coaching is the complete opposite! Coaching is a conversation between us, where you explore your challenges, with my help. I don't tell you what to do - I help you come up with solutions that will work for you.